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ECMerge Standard (Windows) 2.5

ECMerge Standard (Windows) ECMerge Standard (Windows) 2.5

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ECMerge Standard (Windows) Publisher's Description

ECMerge compares and merges local, FTP or SCC repositories data, as text, images and folders. Unhandled formats can be compared byte per byte in the binary comparison view. It compares side-by-side. It is designed to make you work with multiple revisions of text files with ease and to keep multiple folder hierarchies in sync.
ECMerge saves automatically sessions and let you save your own named sessions to launch them again in one click or with the command line. It generates reports in Unix patch, XML and HTML format for Text, Images and Folder Comparisons.
ECMerge is a complete solution to compare your Word files as well as merge your source code, applying patches with preview or producing CSV reports. Its scripting based on JavaScript let you use its capabilities and define new commands.
A shell extension is provided under Windows, Mac and Linux to select items to compare and launch ECMerge. A command line is provided to merge files and generate reports from batches. . Runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux&Solaris.

What's New in Version 2.5 of ECMerge Standard (Windows)

Added SFTP support, Cocoa OSX port, Debian and RPM for Linux, web updates

Look for Similar Items by Category

Developer Tools > File Editors
This product is also listed in: Source Code Tools, File Managers


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